Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Confession. And Plastic Free Coffee!

A confession: I've been sneaking some plastic behind Erin's back.

Here's the problem: I stop at Canteen for coffee every morning. The owner guy winks at me (winking is such a lost art!) and I think I'm such a hotshot because I bring my own mug. But I always take a splash of those stupid french vanilla creamers which come in plastic, or soy milk which comes in evil Tetra Paks. Sorry, having trouble with these images.. as you can see, Tetra Paks have a mind of their own!

Here's the story with Tetra Paks: their technology involves aseptic packaging that is used for liquids, including juice, soy milks, soups and wine. (Aseptic processing means that the food is sterilized, the container is sterilized and the container is filled in a sterile environment. Swiss innovation. Liquid food can be stored at room temp for a year...kind of amazing/gross when you think about it.)

Tetra Paks are made from layers of plastic, metal, and paper. Guess what that means? They are difficult and expensive to recycle.

Meanwhile: Tetra Pak is making money by putting more and more liquids in their space-agey containers. In 2006, they produced 130 BILLION packages. Sales revenues of $11 billion.

So... some of you have asked why we aren't more pro-recycling on this blog. Recycling is good, but using LESS is the real hero here. Repeat: using less is the real hero!

What does this mean for my morning coffee? (I drink decaf by the way.. it's about the ritual more than the caffeine. And all of my crushes at Canteen.) Well, I have two ideas and both involve bees: honey and almond milk. I don't think honey will cut the sourness of the coffee enough. But check out this recipe for homemade almond milk, how easy and delicious does it look? How excited are we!?

Easy and Delicious Almond Milk Recipe

1 comment:

Fern Toe said...

Very very excited!