Sunday, June 1, 2008

Plastic Fork

First day in New York! I was out all day and had to dodge some plastic bullets at Whole Foods and Pinkberry. Luckily I had my own plastic fork and spoon with me. But do the cups they use at Pinkberry have plastic in them? Someone on Yelp said they are made from recycled paper, but you can't exactly trust Yelp now can you. The Pinkberry site didn't mention anything about the materials they use, but I found out their chairs (Phillippe Stark Victoria Ghost chairs) cost $500. Now that is some expensive polycarbonate!

I then went to a bridal shower and used a plastic fork. It all happened so fast! One minute I walked in the door and the next minute I was eating veggie lasagna with a plastic fork and realized.. oh well, that's my one piece for the day.

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