Wednesday, February 18, 2009

canal plastics center

i have to go here tomorrow to pick something up for work!
it's a plastic dieters worst nightmare!

also something kind of comical happened today. i had to pick up a sign from kinkos and it was wintry-mixing outside.. snow and rain.. and i was on the phone with erin aka plasticfreela and she HEARD me ask the guy at kinkos for a plastic bag! i was so mortified but i couldn't let the sign get ruined!


Fern Toe said...

Ahhhh plastic is everywhere. You run but you can't hide! If you make your own yogurt this week instead of buying it in plastic I'll forgive yesterday's plastic bag ;)

plasticfreenyc said...

soooo much plastic

Anonymous said...

Plastic is not forever. You just turn it back to the original ingredients. PET can be desolved and converted into a product. You just get flakes of 4mm
Put in a jena vessel styred cosd with ethanolamines and a hot pate for a due and mix the flakes and all will disintergrate. Remove from pate the syrupy product and make putty, glue or varnish. There
are many other formula and combination which can product other products, resins rubber ect.
plastics to products is easy