Monday, January 26, 2009


sorry i've been quiet!

i just had yogurt from a plastic container. will recycle.

and want to replace an empty bottle of mouthwash.. do we know of any plastic-free options?


The Green Cat said...

I haven't done it yet but there are recipes to make homemade mouthwash using vodka (buy the cheap stuff obviously), water and a few drops of essential oil (like spearmint). Not only would that be plastic-free, but it would be less expensive as well!

Meg said...

I guess you don't want to just give up mouthwash? I don't use the stuff, so it seems like an easy thing to just not buy, lol.

Fern Toe said...

I'm with Meg, I don't use it but I did do a quick google search and all I could come up with where the homemade recipes too! One recipe had Tea Tree Oil in it-uck-I couldn't possible put that in my mouth (especially since I associate it with my homemade deodorant). Good Luck Kerry-I'm no help here.

plasticfreenyc said...

i associate tea tree oil with that time a bottle of it broke in my purse and spilled on my wallet and everything stunk for weeks. the horror!

Anonymous said...

Listerine sells mouthwash in glass bottles...