Saturday, April 11, 2009

buying milk

Are there any city dwellers out there who are able to purchase milk without also purchasing plastic?

My rural dwelling parents and older brother's family are able to get milk directly from farmers that they know in reusable Ball Jars (no plastic at all!), but I am not so lucky. I buy milk in glass bottles, but the bottles all come with plastic lids. I have a growing collection of plastic milk bottle lids and pull tabs. I'm just wondering if anyone (without a farmer-direct connection) has found a way around this....


PlasticFreeForMe,please! said...

I have not found a way around this but was also longing for plastic-free milk this week. I wonder why the grocery stores can't collect them and send them back to the milk companies? I bet there's a market to be found there among those of us who care about this kind of thing. Hmmm....

Root and Leaf said...

where do you get milk in glass bottles?